Hello sunshine!

Welcome to my website! I hope you're having a beautiful day ^-^

Who's website?

I'm Zoe!

The Ecoshareist?

hehe I just thought it sounded cool :p but yeah! Radically changing our ideas of independence is essential for a green future. But, like, idek ;)

Ok, ok, I get it. So what are you doing here?

Transforming how I use the internet as a tool of communication and community, reclaiming it from the capitalist pigs that soiled our wealth of free information. I plan to blog semi-regularly about my life as well as the systems of society I interact with, be them economic, political, or social. I also want to share stuff! My recipes, ideas, the art I enjoy, and if I'm lucky, all the same of yours :)

Wow. Cringe. So what can I do here?

Anything you please! Feel free to peruse some of the stories I share in my blog, or the collections I have posted.